Halifax bank customer service numbers in the UK

Halifax bank customer service numbers in the UKLeading numbers is working as a directory service provider in the UK. We basically provide contact details of various organizations/companies already working in the UK. If you are looking for some directory information related to any type of company working in the UK, then you can contact Leading numbers. We will simply connect your call to the company you are looking for. We are providing a smooth call forwarding service to the organization you are looking for through 0871 numbers.

There are many companies who are already providing facility of UK Service Numbers but the Unique Selling Point (USP) of our company is that we regularly update our information so that we can provide you error free information.

Delivery of services in an effective way is not possible without a skilled team. Therefore, we have hired a team of people highly equipped with Customer service abilities and knowledge. Leading Numbers is not associated to any of the listed companies, whose number we provide. Moreover, our services are not free of cost. Our call will cost you 13ppm excluding your phone network access charge. You might be able to get this information free of cost too, within the public domain.

To avail services from our company, we might require some personal information of the customer like demographic information, job title, contact information, etc. But we ensure the privacy of your information and whatever information you will share with us will never be misused. For further privacy policies, you can visit our official website of leading numbers.

Halifax bank is one of the biggest bank units in the UK. Halifax bank was first known as Halifax building society (named after the town of Halifax, West Yorkshire, 1853), but now it is working as a UK’s largest mortgage provider to the local residents of the area. If you are looking for suburban mortgages or you want an institution providing a handsome profit on your savings then the Halifax bank is a first option you will think of. Halifax is entirely working under the group of Lloyds banking group. Lloyd is a British commercial bank with various branches working across Wales and England.

The word Halifax is not new for the people of the UK. From 1853-1917 Halifax bank was working as a largest building society in the UK. In 1977, the building was evolved into the UK’s largest bank when the ownership of the company got changed. Started as a Halifax building society, it got changed into a public limited company in 1977. Due to its good reputation, Halifax PLC merged with the bank of Scotland. In 2006, it became a division of bank of Scotland by legally transferring their assets and liabilities to the bank of Scotland. Now at present time Halifax bank and the bank of Scotland both are working under Lloyds banking group.

If you want to get more information about Halifax Bank Service numbers you can call us at Halifax customer services-0871 6837224.